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Patterns in Game Design (Game Development Series) (20 December 2004) by Staffan Bjork, Jussi Holopainen


Patterns in game design really helped us define a pattern for the game and understand the flow of the game. This allowed us to understand the game better, and better predict problems and loopholes within our game. It also granted us the ability to better implement ideas we wanted to implement, like the club mechanic. It also helped us realize that some mechanics weren’t needed; this being the keys and locked door mechanic. Overall the simple patterns mentioned here helped us deeply analyze our game, and create a fairly unique player experience that we were satisfied with.


Initially, our vision was for our game to take place in catacombs or some underground lair which players must escape from. However, as our group discussed, we decided to move past this idea in favor of a mansion, following the formula set by ‘Clue’. Through our research and by spending time looking through the various blueprints and designs of these mansion, we were better able to create the board and sections of our map. We saw the elements common in many of these designs; from multiple bathrooms to large, open foyer areas, and utilized these components.

Zimmerman, Eric. "Narrative, interactivity, play, and games: Four naughty concepts in need of discipline." First person: New media as story, performance, and game 154 (2004).

Through looking at the story, the story of the game matters a lot in the design of the game. The reason for these are because that without the story of the game, the game when playing the game feels really bland and gives the player sense of no interest since even though you are playing a game, you don’t feel like that there is no point in the game. By having the story of the game, the game becomes more lively and gives the player sense of reason to play the game

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