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Chef Key: Garden | Slaughtering Room |Snack Bar

Ability: To use Food Item. Start With a Food


Maid key: Cleaning Room| Medical Room| Wardrobe Room

Ability: Immune to Old Maid Item. Start with an Old Maid item


Zombie Key: Morgue| Armory | Laboratory

Ability: See the secrets of the dead in the morgue.


Clown Key: Fun Asylum| Day Care Room | panic room

Ability: Drop candy Corn (Has 5)


Mage Key: Vault | Security Room | Dark room

Ability: Immune to magic orbs. Start with a Magic Orb


Vampire Key: Dungeon | Sacrifice Room | Mechanical room

Ability: Starts on the roof at the beginning of the game


Secret identities

Doctor+/Cult leader- = 3 blood

Investigator+/Thieve- = 3 clue

Chauffuer+/Arsonist- = 3 can of gas


Positive character leaves through front door

Negative character leaves through roof


This year, you were invited to a Halloween Party in the famous mansion along with other people. Even though it's a famous party, everyone have other goals from this party. By finding their objective in this famous mansion, the owner of the mansion promises you with the vast fortune and glory once you complete your mission. Now let the game begin.



This game is all about collecting your key items, and moving to a specific part of the map. Before other players do. Use items you find along the way to deter other players! Also other players might be collecting the same items as you, so try to deduce who's who, and get the items first.



Each player turn, a player can move 10 spaces. In any cardinal direction. We were thinking about many other options, but this amount seemed to fit the best.


Picking up items

Throughout the mansion there will be items scattered in each room. A player may pick up items if they have the inventory space to do so.  Players are limited to 3 slots of inventory. If a player's inventory is full and they would like to pick up an item, they must drop an item in a cardinal direction(Can’t be dropped on another item). Players must pick up the item once they decide to take it.( No peeking at an item then putting it back) Originally we had big items that consumed 2 slots, but took it out because players could more easily tell what was what.


Player interaction

Player interaction comes in the form of the club item. Using this item on another allows an item from the victim to be stolen(Randomly). Also Some players may find themselves collecting the same items as another, so planning when to steal may be crucial. We found through play we needed to increase the amount of these, but later found out we need a mechanic to keep a steady amount of clubs in the game, to fix a loophole where the game becomes impossible to end.



The layout for this game has overgrown a couple of revisions. It was originally supposed to take place deep within the catacombs. We changed this to a mansion,(Taking inspiration from clue).  To better suit the format of the board we wanted to create, we decided on making a multilayer board made of wood. Initially we had thoughts of creating a 3 level board, but for the sake of logistics decided upon 2 levels. The board surface is made of MDF (Medium-Density Fiberboard), with the walls being made of ⅛ inch HDF (High-Density Fiberboard). Fiberboard can be worked with and treated as if it was hardwood. The 4 pillars are made of ¾ inch Maple pegs, while the decorative base at the bottom is constructed of hardwood. Initially we intended the board to be made entirely from hardwood, but to save on cost and the logistics of transporting it, the switch was made to primarily fiberboard. The board was cut using 6 ½ inch 20v Lithium Circular saw. The edges of the board were rounded with a ⅜ inch roundover bit inside a 2.4 amp Trim Router running at 26,000 rpm. This was performed on all edges of the MDF. The main grid of the board was cut using a ⅛ inch straight router bit in the same Trim Router with each being cut at 1 inch intervals leaving precisely ⅞ inch of surface for each space. The walls were cut lengthwise using the same circular saw mentioned previously. To cut each wall to size they were cut by hand to the exact measurement needed for each room using a flush cut saw along with a 6 inch mini hacksaw. Almost all surfaces were sanded using a 5in random Orbital Palm Sander with 120 grit paper at first with 220 grit to finish it off. Each and every channel was sanded by hand to minimize any burr from routing using 220 grit sandpaper. Each wall is held in place using Gorilla Wood Glue. The second level of the board was decided to be mounted directly above the first floor for structural integrity and to create a wow-factor upon viewing it. There is a cutout in the second floor to represent a balcony and to make the first floor easier to navigate/see. Each peg that holds the second floor is held in place by first using a ¾ forstner bit to inlay the peg slightly. Then on the opposite side a countersink bit was used to make the 1¼in wood screws flush with the surface. So each peg is slightly recessed, screwed into place, and glued. The hardwood decorative base is held in place by scoring the surface with a drill and Gorilla Wood Glue. There are adhesive rubber feet on the very bottom to keep it stable. Finally light switches were added to the bottom of the second floor and easily mounted with magnets to add an extra wow-factor.


Special effects(item Abilities)

Some Items have special Abilities that cause the player to do different things. If a player picks one of these special items up, they must do as instructed.

Old Maid-Hold for 1 extra turn

Orb-Consumes 2 inventory slots (Doesn't work if this is your 3rd item you pick up, But will take a space if you drop another item when this is still in your inventory)


food-Teleport your player to the nearest bathroom. Discard when picked up.

Game Design  Document

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